Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Offshore Crew Change

Its that time again! Crew Change day in out in the Gulf Of Mexico.

Some people drive to work. Some people walk to work. I on the other hand have the opportunity to fly to work every two weeks. I'm an Offshore Oilfield worker, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Most people imagine the oilfield as a scary place where a bunch of crazy rednecks work. Well the redneck part it definitely true for the most part, but thats what honestly makes it so much better to work out here. Also, the fact that you can make a crap load of money!

Even though its nice being out here (in the Middle Of the Gulf)  when its time to go its just time to go. If your like me its never easy having to leave your spouse being. Especially if you have children, which my wife and I are expecting in the next couple months. Even though it hard we have to make a living somehow.

Era Helicopters Gulf Of Mexico

Nothing sounds better than the Dispatcher calling out "Helicopter 20 minutes out". If you have never flown before your missing out. Its a way better experiance than flying in an Airplane. Pop in my ear plugs, strap myself down, and just sit back and injoy the ride. Once the blades start tuning all I can think about is my family! Whenever we lift off you get that few seconds of rush, and then your in the clouds thinking to yourself about all the things your going to do on your days off. 

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