Thursday, February 20, 2014

Gaining the World

If I gain the whole world and have not God what have I really gained? 

Obviously we all need money. But what about after this life. See money can buy a lot of things but one thing that money can't buy is salvation. I'm all for bettering oneself, but in the midst of success we can't forget what's most important. 

In the Bible the book of Matthew 16:26 say "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?". I'm not saying one can't have riches and be saved at the same time by no means. But better saying that in the midst of riches don't forget what matters most. Which is our soul because without salvation without Jesus what would money be in the end. I believe it was Randy Travis who a song which said "it's not what you take when you leave this world behind you but it's what you leave behind you when you're gone".   

It's not just money that can pull our hearts away from God but also the time we invest in our careers education and even our families. Now you're probably thinking wow this man's crazy but I don't mean that those things are bad at all. Only that in the midst of everything that we have going on in our lives we have to remember what's most important which is Jesus Christ. If there's one thing I can promise you it's that mom and dad brother sister your career your bank account none of those things can get you into heaven. Making that journey is totally up to you!

See a lot of people say that money is the root of all evil but that's not so. The Bible says that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. It's the things we put before him in all actuality becomes our God. That could be anything a family member, a job, a hobby, and sometimes even just yourself. I say this from experience, because when everything is going great and all your needs are supplied sometimes it's just easy to forget about him. But if all those things are taken away what have you anyways. 

I'm saying all this to say just check yourself. Ask yourself when's  the last time I gave God thanks, when's the last time I just gave a little time to worship him, maybe even read his word. And if you're not going to church or you just haven't been in a long time just go. I'd like for you to come to my church, but if not I would just ask that you just go somewheres, anywhere!

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