Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Crazy Drivers Down South!

Let's face it, down south when it gets cold people drive stupid!

Thank God the coldest weather is just about past us. I really don't understand what people are thinking whenever they know the roads are iced. We can have all the weather warnings, and all the news we can handle but people still don't listen. They literally drive the same speeds as the always do. 

The last time I was home (I work away from home) my wife and I went to visit my parent in Texas, and we literally seen at least twenty vehicles stranded on the side of the road. All I could think about was all the life's that where put in danger because of people carelessness. It's as if people take to the streets not knowing the dangers that could and and did happen. But we all know that's not the case. The truth is most people just don't care.

I guess I'm saying all this just to say keep your eyes open. Drive as if everyone else is driving wrong. That way you stay a little more attentive to what's going on around you. Because I can promise you one thing old Joe that's late to work isn't thinking about your saftey! 

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